Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Research Paper

Hi everyone, my research paper will be about the Child Nutrition Act that Michelle Obama announced recently and is causing controversy. I'll be focusing on the battle of childhood obesity and how this program is positive or negative. I've done some research and came along the following links that will help provide some information about this topic.



The following videos show Michelle Obama talking about child obesity and her movement to change the way kids eat.



Saturday, March 20, 2010

Draft- homework

Dear St.Demetrios School Administration,

Having been a student at this school since kinder garden throughout 12th grade, I’m very concerned with the school’s food served daily to the children. I remember all the unhealthy food served to the younger kids but the older ones as well and I want to give you some advice on how to improve the quality of the food served there. We live in a world where the percentage of child obesity is growing and I believe that being ignorant about the health of our children is wrong and we should try to find solutions to improve their quality of life. Replacing unhealthy food with healthy food, offering school lunch cooking classes to the children and connecting school lunches with local farms are some options I’d like to share with you.

Schools sell a selection of “non-nutritious snack foods.” Many of these foods include doughnuts, ice cream, cakes, cookies, chips that fill up the cafeteria rooms of many schools a long with the “vending machines that line up the hallways”. Replacing these unhealthy habits with healthier choices is a start, for example: “artificially dyed candy can be replaced by natural candy; cookies with fake vanilla can be replaced with natural cookies; the neon yellow chips with MSG and preservatives can be replaced by natural potato chips” (http://www.school-lunch.org/goodsolutions.html). “In 2002, the Portsmouth, New Hampshire, School Board eliminated drinks high in sugar and caffeine, including soda, sweetened lemonade, ice tea, and fruit drinks, and replaced them with plain and flavored waters and one hundred percent fruit juice. They also eliminated all candy bars and snacks with little nutritional value and replaced them with crackers, Chex mix, raisins, and fruit snacks” (Weber, 2009, p.236). Studies have shown that the additives found in these junk foods trigger behavior and learning problems. We all need to participate in this act and try and change our kids eating habits. It’s important for their health primarily and it will promote a healthier mind as well that will help them be better students.

Involving the children by letting them step into the kitchen and learning how to prepare healthy meals, I believe will educate them and help them learn hand on hand how to eat healthier. The “students can grow and prepare local organic fruits and vegetables for their peer’s school lunch menus”


By hiring a chef that will teach them how to cook healthier and involving the children in a cooking class that will help them eat right we can help create a healthier generation. The kids can stop eating all this junk food that destroys their health and child obesity can finally start decreasing as long as all the illnesses involved with obesity like diabetes.

Having grown up in New York City I was never affiliated with agriculture and farming. Having done some research about how schools can change their food menus, I came along this wonderful idea that can help many schools. That is, connecting school lunches with local farms. “Some forward-thinking schools are leading the charge by sourcing their cafeteria food from local farms and producers. This saves money and also cuts back on the pollution and global warming impacts associated with transporting food long distances. And since many local producers are turning to organic growing methods, local food usually means fewer pesticides in kids’ school lunches”(http://www.environment.about.com/od/healthandchildren/a/cafeteria_food.htm)

The “Farm to School Program” connects schools with local farms to provide healthy cafeteria food while also supporting farmers. These schools get their food locally and it also provides them with learning opportunities by visiting the local farms. This program now operates in 19 states and in several hundred school districts.

There are many ways we can help change our schools food menus. It takes a bit of our time and an effort from each one of us to find healthier solutions for our kids. I only gave you three solutions in which our schools can start changing the unhealthy eating habits of the children. I am very sure that there are several ways we can make a difference. We need to become more active and realize that the food we eat is more important than we thought. We always have a choice no matter the circumstances.


Magda Katirtzoglou

Friday, March 12, 2010

Food, Inc

Having been suspicious that there is many things hidden from us about what we eat and where our food comes from, the documentary "Food, Inc" confirmed all these suspicions and made me think even more and question about the origin of our food. There is a veil between "us" the consumer and where our food is coming from ("supermarkets" and "farms"). These multi-national corporations are mass producing using enormous assembly lines and abusing animals but the workers as well. There as a lot of politics beneath all this and it upsets me very much knowing that there are so many inconsiderate people out there not caring what so ever about the health of millions of people living in the United States, a majority of which have gotten sick and died from eating meat that has been infected with bacteria. It suits these corporations to have us living in complete ignorance and threatening the farmers that if they speak they will be sued. As a citizen of this country I demand that I know where my food is coming from. People around us are getting sick and we don't know what is causing all these illnesses. Young children are dying from eating a simple hamburger and no one is doing anything to stop this. It makes me angry. It makes me angry that I have no say in this, that I can't find the truth about the food I'm eating. Our food is being produced in unsanitary conditions, sold to us at the supermarkets where everything looks nice and clean. We are living in an iconic reality where everything seems perfect but underneath it all we will find a lot of "dirt". I recall many times when friends of mine have gotten sick with stomach viruses after eating at certain fast food places. I personally have stopped eating from certain fast food chain stores just because I don't trust the way they cook their food and they might be cooking the food in unsanitary conditions as well. I worry about my health daily and what might happen to me in the future from eating all these different kinds of food either from fast food stores or from the meat I buy at the super market. We really have no choice to where we buy our food and the origin of our food. The only choice we have is to buy organic food but unfortunately the prices of organic food are slightly expensive and not that many people can afford it. Which brings us to the same conclusion that people have no choice then to buy cheap, unhealthy food that will harm their health. We have to speak up and protest against these companies that are taking advantage of us and taking our money mean while they don't have any consideration for our health. These multi million companies make their money from producing a lot of meat in small land, instead of growing a chicken in 3 months, they will grow it in 49 days. Chickens have gotten fat and big, they can't even walk from the size they've grown too. One farmer let us in her chicken coop and the conditions under where she grew her chickens was totally unsanitary, a simple disgrace. Of course she wasn't allowed by the company she had a contract with to show us the coop, that is why they banned their contract with her. They simply threaten any farmer that speaks, they take advantage of the workers, they abuse the animals and we have no idea all this is happening behind our backs. We live in complete obliviousness. Now, knowing what goes on and the hidden truth about our food, I will start questioning more about what I eat and be more careful to what I buy from the supermarkets. What we eat is an important factor to our daily life, to our health. What we feed our children should make us more aware about this issue and not let it slip out of our hands. We need to make a step, speak up and let them know we won't take anymore lies.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hi my name is Magda Katirtzoglou and this is my first semester in Laguardia college.
I'm very excited to be here and begin my journey in elementary education. I'm very confident and I hope I will accomplish all that I'm looking forward to doing in laguardia college and afterwards. I'm very happy and excited to be in English101, looking forward to all the classes and learning how to be a better writer.

See you all tomorrow in class.
